Couples and Family Therapy

Individual Therapy

UWill College Counseling

The UWill platform allows me to partner with colleges to provide counseling.

Annie Harton Kassell is a proud alumna of Saint Mary’s College and the University of Notre Dame. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and speaker from Indianapolis, Indiana. She is also licensed in Florida, Ohio, New Jersey, South Carolina, Arizona, and Iowa.

Prior to her graduate studies in counseling, she earned an MA in Theology through the Echo Program. As a Catholic Christian therapist she is able to integrate faith and prayer into sessions upon request. Using narrative techniques, she helps clients to encounter their personal stories in a new way. Using emotion-focused techniques, she helps clients express their primary emotions and needs. Using the Gottman Method, she helps couples build a Strong Relationship House and combat the Four Horsemen. She specializes in preparing couples for marriage and working with married couples who have felt stuck, disconnected, and unheard. She is trained in the following assessments: SYMBIS/SYMBIS+, PREPARE/ENRICH, Gottman Relationship Checkup, and FOCCUS.

Her self-published book Single Truth: You are more than your relationship status inspired her to start a business called You Are More. In her book, she shares about what she has learned about love as a single marriage counselor. She specializes in helping singles and couples explore how they’re more than their diagnoses, their pasts, their jobs, and their relationship statuses; while also reminding them that God is more than any problem they bring Him. Her podcast You Are More encourages guests and listeners to live outside the box. You can find out more about Annie and inquire about working with her at

Annie Harton Kassell is a proud alumna of Saint Mary’s College and the University of Notre Dame. ... Read More

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